Friday, July 13, 2007

March For Peace heading for Washington DC

I just received an email bringing to my attention these two teenagers who are walking across the United States to promote peace. The March For Peace is currently working it's way through Nebraska, having started in San Francisco on May 21 and hopes to arrive in Washington, DC on September 11. If you're anywhere along their route, consider joining them or helping them out in any way. I'm sure they'd appreciate your support!

Meet the marchers mid way through the journey at Levi Carter Park in Omaha, Nebraska on July 14, 2007 for a music festival and rally for peace & social justice. Event sponsored by Nebraskans for Peace. Omaha Indymedia announcement for the rally here.

Check the "Route" page for the march route - catch them in a town near you!!

Objectives of the March for Peace:

1. Urge the U.S. government to End the military occupation of Iraq, and sign the Kyoto Protocol
2. Raise awareness about global issues and generate ideas for peaceful paths.
3. Please see our "Ideals" page for more reasons we march!