Thursday, October 04, 2007

Free Burma

Free Burma!


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Please sign and forward this petition!

While reading updates on the situation in Burma/Myanmar, I discovered a petition to the Nobel Prize committee to consider a last-minute nomination of the monks who have been defending the protesters.

From the petition:

"Over the past week, the world watched in humility and awe as hundreds of thousands of unarmed Buddhist monks and civilians marched peacefully throughout the country. However, as we have seen, rather than respond in a civilized manner, the military and its thugs have killed dozens of monks and arrested thousands. Descriptions of Burmese soldiers ransacking monasteries recall fifth century barbarian hordes pillaging villages, rather than the actions of a disciplined twenty-first century defense force. Rather than submit, the monks have used other tools in the arsenal of peace. Monks who have been arrested are now on hunger strikes, while those who are locked in their monasteries chant the metta sutta to ward off evil and spread love."

Today's (second) website: Petition

One more: Up-to-the-minute news updates

Identify Your Own Uniqueness

A month ago I posted about a newsletter I'd recently signed up for, My Daily Peace. Today's entry was significant to me on many levels, from improving my home to searching for meaningful work:

Identify your own uniqueness and use it to improve your environment.

Today's website: Mir Movement