Image by jmtimages via Flickr
A friend on Facebook (yes, I know, I called it an evil website just a few days ago) sent me an invite to a group there called World Gratitude. I quickly became a "fan", and then went exploring to see what exactly was going on. The main website, World Gratitude, asks, "What Will *Your* Life Be Like, 42 Days from now, after Enlightening the World with our Gifts of Gratitude and Connecting with our Growing Family of Gratitude?" If you sign up, as I did, for this 42 day program, you'll get an email message each day to guide you through this experiment. (It isn't necessary to start on March 15, you can join anytime.)There was also a link, on the Facebook page, to a Blog titled Inner Space. I'm not entirely clear yet on how it ties in (I thought it was supposed to be where they're posting each day's entries, but there's nothing posted today, so I may be wrong about that) - regardless, there's some worthwhile articles there. On January 1, 2009, they posted Day 1 - Wake to Dream - enjoy!
It was a wonderful bit of synchronicity for me, hearing about this website and program today. Just last week I decided I needed to take up my gratitude journal again. Every night before I go to bed, I write out a list of 10 things I'm grateful for. As soon as I'd made the decision to start this, my heart felt lighter. Another time, I'll share a sample here. For now, I encourage you to check out World Gratitude.
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