Thursday, January 25, 2007

Today's Stress Tip

I subscribe to a newsletter "Today's Stress Tip" and when I read today's tip I had to share it with you. (First I got permission, of course.) I liked this particular tip because it ties in a "personal" issue with a "world" issue, reminding us of how our individual choices impact the world around us.

Today's Stress Tip - by G. Gaynor McTigue

Don't be a sucker for "I'm sorry."

Very likely, the two words in the English language most
often spoken with insincerity are "I'm sorry." People toss
the phrase about as if it's all they have to do to make
amends and wipe the record clean. And they frequently
express it with such shallow indifference...even an edge of
annoyance! So don't get all worked up over whether or
not someone apologizes. It's usually meaningless anyway.
Instead, judge individuals on their attempts at retribution
-- that is, their efforts to make up for what they did in
some way. On the flip side, be aware of how often you,
too, casually resort to an unfelt "I'm sorry." Taking sincere
responsibility for our actions is one way we can relieve the
tensions in our world. Why make yourself crazy?

excerpted from the new book "400 Ways to Stop
Stress Now...and Forever!" by G. Gaynor McTigue.

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