Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Path of Transformation

I recently decided to re-read The Path of Transformation by Shakti Gawain. It was one of the first books I read last year when I started thinking about how to work towards world peace. It provided me with the inspiration that lead to the creation of this blog (and will eventually further lead to a website, when I get off my butt and build it). I highly recommend it to anyone interested in peace on any level.

From her introduction:

"Today's challenges can only be met powerfully and effectively through a shift in consciousness, which in fact is already well under way worldwide. We need to recognize, to the depths of our souls, that we are all part of one whole, that what each of us does individually has a powerful impact on us all. Our global crises relate to and mirror our individual processes. Only through healing ourselves on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual - can we heal our families, our communities, and our planet."

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