Thursday, July 02, 2009

Free Euna Lee and Laura Ling

I received this petition from Care2's ThePetitionSite the other day and would like to bring it to your attention. Here's the letter they sent me:

Do you know about Euna Lee and Laura Ling? The two journalists were investigating human rights abuses of North Korean women when they were arrested by North Korean authorities. The two were recently sentenced to 12 years hard labor for "illegal entry" and "hostile acts."

Their sentence is much harsher than expected, which is why we believe that the regime in Pyongyang is using them as pawns in a dangerous game of escalating tensions with the international community.

Getting Pyongyang to listen is a challenge, but China is the major provider of energy/ food and may be able to use its influence to help free the journalists.

Please urge President Hu Jintao to act on behelf of Euna Lee and Laura Ling.

Thanks for taking action!


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