Thursday, March 11, 2010

Facebook is Evil!

That *may* be overstating it somewhat, but Facebook has become my favourite stress reliever. And this semester has been very, very stressful. I'm taking Poverty in Canada, which I was quite excited to be taking, at first. You thought you knew how bad poverty is in Canada? Me, too. But reading statistic after statistic, all saying, in their own way, "this is bad," gets very depressing after awhile. So, I'd study until I got overwhelmed, and then go beat up teddy bears on Facebook. (Yes, there's an app, called Teddy's Turf, where everyone is a bear, beating up other bears. It's fun, in a mindless sort of way. Not exactly peaceful, though.)

And then last night I realized, "Hey, when was the last time I posted to my blog?" Over two months ago, it turns out. Almost three. So, I'm going on a Facebook diet. No more beating up teddy bears for fun and relaxation. (There's Save The Planet for that. In moderation, of course.) I joined Facebook to connect with people. I started this blog for basically the same reason. I need to keep both connections going.

I'm back! Please, post a comment if you have a moment. I could use some encouragement. One of the reasons I haven't been writing here is that it's gotten quite lonely. I need to hear from you!

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